Build an Energy-Efficient Timber Frame Home with Sustainability in Mind
Achieve your “green” timber frame home goals with SIPs.
One of the many things that makes a timber frame home appealing to the modern homeowner is the sustainability and energy efficiency that timber framing affords. Green building practices and the use of structural insulated panels (SIPs) offer maximum energy efficiency and added strength by providing a tight building envelope that works well with timber frame materials.
Mid-Atlantic Timberframes, located in Paradise, Penn., utilizes SIPs for the walls and roofs of its timber frame homes. “A SIPs panel is a structural insulated panel that consists of three to six inches of polyurethane foam insulation sandwiched between a half inch of oriented strand board (OSB) on either side,” explains Sam Ebersol, general manager of Mid-Atlantic Timberframes. “This creates a rigid wall panel that is as strong as—or stronger than—a conventionally framed wall, and creates a sealed envelope around the frame. Conventionally framed walls generally have two-by-six studs positioned at 16-inch intervals, and each stud creates a thermal break in the consistency of the insulation.”
“In addition to securing our timber from well-managed forests, we use passive design techniques to take advantage of the natural climate in order to maintain thermal comfort,” Ebersol says.
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